A Brief Introduction...

 Hello everyone! My name is Enzo Sanchez and I am excited to share with you all a little about my life. I am 21 years old, I just finished my junior year at San Diego State University, and in this blog I will be talking about what life is like going to college in Southern California. A little about myself : I have lived in California my whole life with my parents and brother, I grew up in Orange County (Dana Point to be specific), and I enjoy going out with friends, going to the gym, hanging out at the beach, and watching movies. 

To begin, I would like to talk about the benefits of going to school in California. First and foremost, the weather is unbeatable, with sunny days year round and mild temperatures, its the perfect place to spend time in the great outdoors. Not to mention the incredibly diverse landscape this state offers, with pristine beaches, snowy mountains, and lush forests only hours apart from each other. It caters to every outdoor activity whether that be surfing, hiking, or skiing. 

Aside from the various activities this great state offers, California offers some of the best academic programs in the world. California college graduates often see great success, earning high wages in their fields upon graduation (click here to view more). Each college has its respective strengths, SDSU has terrific business programs, UCSD has a great medical school, and UCLA offers an elite economics program. These are only a few of the many great universities here in California, and each different school caters to different majors, geographic locations, and student populations. 

To finish off this first post, I will talk about the challenges of college, specifically the important balance a student must maintain in their life. When starting college, students will quickly realize they are no longer under the constant guiding hand of their parents, and it will ultimately be their own responsibility to ensure they get to class on time and stay on task. It will often be tempting to blow off studying to go to a  party, and the only person who can stop you from doing so is yourself. In many cases, you will also be responsible for paying for most of your daily expenditures, and you may need to find a job. Working as a student introduces yet another element of time consumption into your life, and you will now be juggling school, a job, and a healthy social life. Many students struggle to find this balance (click for more info.) and ultimately find themselves dropping out of school altogether. 


  1. Hi Enzo! I really enjoyed reading your article about life as a college student in San Diego! I think it was really clever of you to not only talk about the good stuff and the challenges, but to also include your background and where you are from originally. Providing background appeals to the audience with ethos, which establishes your credibility as you are a college student yourself and you live in San Diego. What I am trying to say is you are basically living the life you are writing about, so that personal experience and your anecdotes are truly eye-opening and they connect perfectly to the overall theme you are trying to establish here. A job well done, and I'm excited to read more!

  2. Hi Enzo!
    I really enjoyed your blog! I grew up in Orange County, California as well! I enjoyed how you wrote about the benefits and the negatives of going to school in California! I think a good topic for you to write about is how expensive it is to live in California. It is insanely expensive to live here compared to most states. You can also write about how cool it is to live here. We have the desert, beach, and snowy mountains all in California.

  3. Hey Enzo! I really enjoyed reading your first blog post about being a SDSU student. I have lived in south Texas my whole life up until coming to SDSU two years ago. The differences between Texas and California are plentiful but some of the ones I was most excited to experience were the nice southern California weather and the diverse environments all within hours from each other. I have always been a huge fan of hiking and I love to surf so coming to California for college has been so exciting. I can absolutely relate to the last paragraph about struggles as a college student especially when San Diego has so many things to offer outside of school. Maintaining a healthy balance of all parts of your life is so important to staying mentally and physically healthy.
    I can't wait to read more of your blog posts!
    -Kaylynn Lambert

  4. Hello, Enzo
    I also agree that California provides some great geographical land marks that come with the state and being able to go to school here, specifically southern California has its perks. With how populated southern California is, that fact that we have so many colleges that highlight each one of our interests is beneficial for our diverse population. The benefits and success of each college that was mentioned can be translated to their respective communities.

  5. Zoey Mehen

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights about college life in California, Enzo! As someone who moved from North Carolina to San Diego for college, I couldn’t agree more! The benefits of studying in California are truly remarkable. The year-round sunny weather and diverse landscapes offer endless opportunities for outdoor activities. Whether it's enjoying the beaches, hiking in the mountains, or exploring lush forests, California has something for everyone. It's a wonderful environment to stay active and connect with nature while pursuing your education.


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