Maintaining a Healthy Life Outside of School


 Hello everyone, in this second post I would like to direct my attention towards the importance of maintaining healthy social lives outside of work and school. It is very easy to succumb to the weight of a packed schedule, and many students forget the importance of relaxation and clearing the mind of anxiety or stress. Recently mental health awareness has risen greatly, especially in younger people, and this is crucial due to the amount of students experiencing mental health issues in college. The American Psychological Association estimates around 60% of college students meet the criteria for at least one mental health condition.
Now, as a university student in California, there are many ways to avoid succumbing heavy levels of stress. In my opinion the most important aspect of life outside of school is surrounding yourself with supportive friends. Having people who you know are there for you and ready to help you with an issue is extremely helpful, it makes you feel like you are not all alone in your struggles. Even keeping family close can help with this, it is common for people to lose touch with their family a little when they go off to school, keeping parents and siblings in the loop can greatly reduce stress and anxiety. There is an article on the Mental Health Foundation website that outlines the benefits of keeping loved ones close in tough times.

The other important aspect of maintaining a healthy life outside of school is to keep a full plate of activities on the schedule. Finding a passion is no easy task, however it can be extremely beneficial when it comes to boosting morale or increasing overall happiness in one's life. An ideal option would be some form of exercise, because then you can kill two birds with one stone by keeping a healthy mind and body. Many people, myself included at times, find themselves in a sort of loop, with each day becoming almost indistinguishable from others. Finding a variety of hobbies to do can combat this phenomenon, and provide a student with a more fulfilling existence.


  1. Hey Enzo!
    I am very glad that I came across your blog since I can relate a lot to your blog topic being the life of a California student. I am not originally from California but I think that life here as a student is very unique and interesting. When it comes to being a student there are so many pressures and struggles that we all face so I really like how you focused this post about maintaining a healthy lifestyle outside of school. That is such an important aspect so by you providing further information about this I was able to learn some really great ways to cope with stress and anxiety. I can't wait to see more that you post!

  2. Hello Enzo,
    I am really glad I came across your blog, especially with the topic revolving around health maintenance outside of school. This can be such a hard thing, but it is also essential to maintain our good health regardless of the busy schedules we encounter as students. One method you mentioned was surrounding yourself with good friends. I can certainly agree with you on that because having supportive friends can definitely boost your mental and physical health outside of school. I also didn't realize how high the number of students facing mental health conditions was, and I was shocked when you said it was around 60 percent. I will definitely start working on my health outside of school using the advice you gave! Thank you!

  3. Hey Enzo! I think that this is such an important topic to discuss for students all over the world. Having a supportive group of people around can do so much for someone's mental health.The Mental Health Foundation article that you included in your blog was such a good find. I feel like some people take for granted the effect of having someone to just vent their worries to has on them. You'd be surprised how many students realize that they don't have a hobby once they get to college, but I definitely agree that finding an activity that you are passionate about is very important. I can't wait to read more!

  4. Hello Enzo, I believe that this topic is absolutely necessary for people to discuss, in the sense that this is a subject that people often ignore, or choose not to speak about because they have stigmatized the idea of mental wellness. But in reality, numerous people from all around are being faced with different situations, whether it is school stress, family, home, work or other issues, it has a great impact on them, and their actions. While schools are essential for students' growth and education, it's critical to recognize the potential harm they may do to their mental health. Students who are under a lot of pressure to achieve well academically may experience excessive stress, anxiety, and even melancholy. Feelings of exhaustion and overwhelm are frequently caused by the strong competition, demanding schedules, and excessive labor. Additionally, social dynamics in schools can harm students' mental health because they may experience bullying, exclusion, or peer pressure. Many educational systems' rigorous structure and emphasis on standardized testing may not accommodate students' various learning preferences and unique needs, leaving them with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Prioritizing mental health support and education is crucial for educational institutions. The steps and guidance recommendations that you have provided are very helpful for people to consider in order to ensure that they maintain being well in such an environment.


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